What Did You Say?
What goes on in a child’s mind when we use common expressions like “in a pickle,” “the naked truth,” or “brain storm?” Children often take them literally. With the humor of Gene’s poems and Sarah’s hilarious illustrations, readers will laugh and learn what they really mean.
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Children often misinterpret sayings that adults use and this book helps foster a discussion about them.
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What Did You Say? Book Information
Author: Eugene Gagliano
Illustrator: Sarah Bradstreet
Series: Say What?
ISBN: 978-1-64922-025-7 (paperback), 978-1-64922-217-6 (ebook)
Market price: $7.95 (paperback)
Format: Paperback, ebook
Page Count: 46
Great Reads, Library of Congress (Click on Wyoming to view)
In the Media
Read about how Eugene reached out on the New York Times website (Click here)
About the Author
Children’s author and Wyoming Poet Laureate, Eugene M. Gagliano, is the author of My Teacher Dances on the Desk, a humorous collection of children’s poetry (winner of the 2010 Delaware Diamonds Book List Children’s Choice Award). Gene is a retired elementary teacher, and author of C is for Cowboy, a Wyoming Alphabet; Little Wyoming; Angel’s Landing, Booger, and the award-winning Dee and the Mammoth.
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