Dean Petersen

Dean Petersen

After completing a BA in Film Studies in 2004, Dean Petersen took his love of storytelling and horror movies back to Wyoming where he makes documentaries and promotional videos. Always on the road for work, he relishes the opportunity to listen to Stephen King and Gillian Flynn’s audiobooks as the open spaces of his favorite state roll past the windows. In 2011, Dean resigned from work to serve in the US Army where he was stationed in Germany but was never sent to a combat zone.

The Burqa Cave is his first attempt to exorcise the frightening things he’s seen in his head for years and pen them into a novel. Now back in The Cowboy State, Dean hopes to write more soon if he can get a minute between taking care of his three small children and his giant Saint Bernard.

Dean Petersen at an author signing event in Wyoming. (image courtesy of Nathan Oster)

Author media

Follow the author on his Facebook page Keystrokes Amid the Cobwebs.

Follow Dean Peterson’s Podcast

That Doesn’t Happen Every Day (Click to view podcast)

The Author in the Media

Author Of “The Burqa Cave” Says The Idea Came From His Love Of Horror Movies And Books (Wyoming Public Radio)

Reviews of Dean Petersen’s work

Book Reviews

Books by the author

The Burqa Cave

The Burqa Cave