Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act HR6379
Democrat plan to financially address the COVID-19 crisis in the United States in 2020
Read the overview, summary, and the complete text of the Democratic plan to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. The bill, H.R. 6379 contains substantial spending for multiple sectors of the economy. This bill also includes items unrelated to addressing the financial and life impacts of the crisis.
The book contains:
• The House of Representatives Overview of the bill
• The House of Representatives Summary of the bill
• The House of Representatives Complete text of the bill
Get your copy today.
The ebook edition has a substantial table of contents to make finding material in the bill easier.
Read the original text of the Democratic bill. It addresses the COVID-19 pandemic and adds funding for items such as:
Controversial Democrat Additions to the COVID-19 stimulus bill (selection of items)
- Internet voter registration (Division L, Sec. 6A.)
- Airline carbon emissions requirements (Division R, Title VII, Sec. 704)
- Minimum wage requirements for businesses (Division I, Title IV, Sec 407)
- US Post Office Bailout (Division N, Sec. 140001)
- Climate change studies (Division R, Title VII, sec 707)
- Funding for the Washington D.C. Kennedy Center (Page 91, print edition)
- Federal Employee Collective Bargaining (Division P, Sec. 160001)
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Book Information
Imprint: Thirteen Colony Press
Author: U.S. House of Representatives
Market price: $23.95 (paperback)
Formats: eBook, paperback
Page count: 740
Title code: Book213
Available in these countries: United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom
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